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e-GP Guideline: Scope & Application Of The Governing Principles

2.1 Scope and Application

The e-GP system shall be used by the procuring entities and other public Entities spending public fund for the purposes of applying the Procurement process using these guidelines in ease of procuring goods.Works and Services using e-GP System.

The- scope of this system is to maintain complete and up-to date Public Procurement activities of all public agencies as well as provide tender opportunities to all potential tenderers/Applicants/Consultants from Bangladesh and abroad.. Initially this will apply to four selected target agencies namely Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), Rural electrification Board (REB), Roads and Highways Department (RHD) and Local Government Engineering Department'(LGED)’ Gradually the e-GP system will he rolled out to all procuring entities using public funds.

The e-GP System is a web based system which must encompass the total procurement life cycle and record all procurement activities and information. ’All public procurement activities undertaken by the government shall be channeled through the e-GP infrastructure and implemented in a phased manner, Efficiency in carrying out public procurement by government organizations shall be enhanced through automation and process reengineering. The system shall tenable the government to maintain a dear picture and comprehend of its procurement activities on a real-time basis. By engaging in e-GP, the government catalyzes the supplier community’ to participate in e- business.

The e-GP system shall be based on a work now based collaborative government procurement platform.’ All the stakeholders/actors of the procurement process will have appropriate access points and will have access to working dashboards with authorized access to relevant functions in the e-GP System.

These guidelines covets “all classes of information related to e-GP, including the Operation, Maintenance and management, (which comprises the long-term outsourcing of the e-GP System and e-GP data center operation, maintenance and management for the sustainability of the system).

2.2 Major Modules in Bangladesh e-GP System

E-Government Procurement (e-GP) system in Bangladesh shall consist of several modules that are interlinked sub-systems, such as:

1. Centralized Registration System (Contractors/Applicants/ Consultants, Procuring Entities and other actors of e-GP);
2. Workflow management System;
3. e-Tendering (e-Publishing/e-Advertisement, e-Lodgment, e-Evaluation, e-Contract award) System;
4. e-Contract Management System (e-CMS);
5. e-Payment System;
6. Procurement Management Information System (PROMIS);
7. System and Security Administration;
8. Handling Errors and Exceptions;
9. Application Usability & Help.

More modules, sub-systems and features (i,e.. e-Catalogue/e-Purchase, c-Auctions, e-Reverse Auction, integration to supply chain and other) may be added, removed or updated as demanded by the prevailing Acts, rules, government instructions and demand from procurement community.

2.3 Categories of e-GP Stakeholders/Actors

The e-GP system shall support the following user categories for stakeholders/actors initially, and provides them the secured access to related functionalities of the e-GP system through dashboards:

1. Ordinary Citizen/Public for procurement related general information
2. Tenderers/Contractors/Applicants/Consultants
3. Procuring Agencies/Entities
4. Payment Service Providers (Scheduled banks and other payment service providers)
5. Development Partners
6. e-GP System Administrators (CPTU and PE administrators) and Auditors
7. Operation & Maintenance partners
8. Evaluation Committees
9. Media community for updates, announcements, news releases etc.

2.4 Composition of the Guidelines

The e-GP Guidelines include this document and four following Appendix that constitute as the integral part of the guidelines:

Appendix 1: Use of Payment Systems
Appendix 2: Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) of PPR-2008 under e-Government Procurement (e-GP) system
Appendix 3: Changes in Schedule -II, PPR 200.8 for e-GP system
Appendix 4: Terms and Conditions of use-
Appendix 5: Disclaimer and Privacy Policy.

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সূচীঃ PPR-08


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