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Transparency in public procurement is generally considered a virtue, fostering accountability and fair competition. However, when it comes to disclosing budget estimates, the sources highlight a critical trade-off: transparency versus the risk of price anchoring.

Arguments for Transparency

  • Promoting Transparency and Reducing Corruption: Disclosing budgets allows public scrutiny, making it harder for corruption to thrive. This is exemplified by Chile’s ChileCompra system.
  • Enhancing Competition: Knowledge of the budget can attract more bidders, potentially leading to better value for money. South Korea’s KONEPS system demonstrates this benefit.
  • Preventing Under-Bidding: Transparency ensures realistic bids, reducing the risk of contract failures due to unrealistically low bids, as seen in Norway.

The Dangers of Price Anchoring

  • Price Inflation: When budget estimates are published, suppliers may be tempted to “anchor” their bids close to the disclosed figure, potentially inflating prices and limiting savings for the public sector. This is highlighted as a concern in India.
  • Reduced Flexibility in Negotiations: Disclosed budgets can hinder negotiations for better terms, as seen in Nigeria.
  • Risk of Collusion: Budget transparency can inadvertently facilitate collusion among suppliers, leading to price fixing and diminishing the benefits of competition, as observed in Brazil.

Mitigating Price Anchoring Risks

The sources propose several strategies to mitigate the risks of price anchoring while maintaining a degree of transparency:

  • Improving Data Quality and Accessibility: Access to comprehensive and accurate pricing data from previous government contracts can help set realistic budgets and benchmarks for future procurements. This is particularly important in decentralized systems like the UK, where a centralized view of pricing information is lacking.
  • Leveraging AI: Artificial Intelligence can be employed to analyze historical pricing data, identify trends, and make more accurate budget estimates.
  • Shifting Focus from Budget to True Cost: Encouraging bidders to focus on the true cost of the requirement, rather than anchoring to the published budget, can foster greater competition and value.
  • Disclosing Overall Project Budget: Instead of revealing the specific procurement budget, disclosing the broader project budget estimate can provide guidance without directly influencing individual bids.
  • Using General Procurement Notices (GPNs): GPNs can offer a preliminary overview of the project budget, providing context while minimizing the risk of market distortion.
  • Improving Scoping Documentation: Clear and comprehensive tender documentation, accurately reflecting the required work volumes, can help suppliers make more accurate cost estimates and reduce reliance on the buyer’s estimate.
  • Ensuring SME Participation: With reduced budget information, mechanisms need to be implemented to ensure that smaller businesses are not inadvertently excluded from opportunities. Clearer tagging of opportunities suitable for SMEs is suggested.


The sources advocate for a nuanced approach to transparency in public procurement. While disclosing budget estimates can enhance accountability and competition, the risk of price anchoring necessitates careful consideration and mitigation strategies. Improving data accessibility, leveraging technology, and focusing on true cost can help balance transparency with the need for efficient and cost-effective procurement.

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