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UN Contract Types within the UN common system


Interested in UN jobs but not sure where you fit in? UN agencies offers various categories of employment requiring different skill levels, backgrounds, experiences and time commitments so that individuals can engage with our mission in the way that best suits them.

The United Nations (UN) Common System offers various contract types based on job roles, duration, and entitlements. These contracts fall under three main categories: Staff Contracts, Non-Staff Contracts, and Temporary Contracts.

1. Staff Contracts (with Full UN Benefits)

These are long-term contracts that provide full UN employment benefits, including pension, health insurance, and leave entitlements.

a) Fixed-Term Appointment (FTA)

Duration: 1–5 years (typically issued for 1–2 years with renewal possibilities).
Eligibility: Requires competitive selection through the UN recruitment system.
Benefits: Full UN benefits, including pension (UNJSPF), health insurance, and leave entitlements.


Professional (P) – International positions requiring specialized expertise.
General Service (GS) – Local administrative and support roles.
National Officer (NO) – Local professional roles.
Field Service (FS) – Field-based operational and technical roles.

b) Continuing Appointment (CA)

Duration: Indefinite (permanent contract).
Eligibility: Only available to long-serving staff with several years of FTA experience.
Benefits: Same as FTA, but with higher job security.

c) Permanent Appointment (PA)

Duration: Indefinite (similar to Continuing Appointment).
Eligibility: Granted to long-term staff members (but rarely issued today).

2. Non-Staff Contracts (Limited Benefits, Project-Based)

These contracts are mainly used for consultants, contractors, and local personnel working on projects. They provide limited benefits compared to staff contracts.

a) National Personnel Services Agreement (NPSA) (Used by UNDP)

Duration: Short-term to multi-year (typically project-based).
Eligibility: Nationals of the country of assignment.
Benefits: Limited benefits (social security, health insurance, and paid leave, but no pension).
Equivalent to: The former Service Contract (SC) system.

b) International Personnel Services Agreement (IPSA) (Used by UNDP)

Duration: Short-term to multi-year.
Eligibility: International personnel hired for specialized roles.
Benefits: Limited benefits (but better than NPSA, including relocation support).

c) Individual Consultant (IC)/Consultant Contract

Duration: Short-term, deliverable-based (3–12 months, renewable).
Eligibility: Specialists hired for specific tasks or advisory roles.
Benefits: No pension or long-term benefits, only a consultancy fee.
Commonly Used By: UNDP, WHO, UNICEF, UNHCR, and others.

d) UN Volunteer (UNV) Contract

Duration: 3 months to 4 years.
Eligibility: Open to both national and international candidates.
Benefits: Monthly stipend, health insurance, and living allowance (but no pension).

3. Temporary Contracts (Short-Term Employment with Partial Benefits)

a) Temporary Appointment (TA)

Duration: Up to 1 year (with a maximum limit of 2 years).
Eligibility: Hired for emergency responses or temporary replacements.
Benefits: Partial benefits (health insurance, leave, but no pension).

b) Short-Term Assignment (STA)

Duration: A few months to 1 year.
Eligibility: Used for urgent needs.
Benefits: Varies by agency.


The UN offers various contract types, each designed for different employment needs. Staff contracts (FTA, CA, PA) provide long-term job security, while non-staff contracts (NPSA, IPSA, IC) are more flexible but offer limited benefits. Temporary contracts (TA, STA) help fill urgent vacancies.

You can use any type of contracts as above while applying for UN job. But it is encouraged to read each job description carefully to make sure that they comply with the position’s requirements before applying.

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